
This website on its first day of existence!
Our Tumblr in 2015.

Our profile pic in 2016 (and fifth overall)
In 2015, we made more awesome videos and began expanding our content, like playing games and making Spooktober, a series of videos made every Friday in October leading up to Halloween. We also branched off into other sites by making accounts on Tumblr and DeviantArt. To top off the new beginnings, on May 5th, we started this website!
In 2016, we introduced new characters to the britishchick09 universe like the shy Barbie doll Avery. In July, introduced our beloved Senpai (Japanese for 'someone you admire'), Robert Wadlow, the tallest man in the world. That same month, we traveled to Chicago and Alton, which was made into a five part series of vlogs. For our birthday, we uploaded a rare Senpai radio interview, which ended up becoming our most popular video of all time (at over 100k views!). We also got an HD camera for Christmas, but the fun with that was soon to come...

Our profile pic during this time (and fourth overall)

This website at the start and end of 2016