

Spot is still a creative artist like her Lalaloopsy counterpart, but she's put her creativity to... other uses. Instead of painting a pretty picture, she dances to The Chicken Dance and obsesses over Ace, who she calls her 'Acie-Wacy'.

Crumbs is Spot's best friend, although she finds her to be a little odd sometimes. Crumbs loves baking and spending time with her little sister Sprinkle. (although she'd also love to see Spot do The Chicken Dance again...)

Out of all the Lalas, Marina considers herself to be the most rational. She's also helpful and- although she won't admit it- is a little protective of her brother Matey.

Sprinkle is an independent girl who enjoys trying new things. She loves chocolate and Matey, but denies that they're together.
(but we all know the truth...)

Scribbles is the most creative of her friends. She loves drawing and coming up with ideas. Although she can be critical of her friends, her heart is always in the right place.

Whiskers may not be a kitty, but she wishes she could be one. She's a little explorer who always has something sneaky up her sleeve.

Pita wants one thing: power! She always wants to be the leader and likes shiny coins. She's also a social butterfly who likes being with her friends, especially her adopted sister, Petal.

Ace is a British mechanic with an adorable pet monkey named Julie. He'd like to end his description there, but there's a certain Lala in the way. Despite knowing her since 2012, Ace denies liking Spot and wishes she would stop pestering him with that 'Acey-Wacy' stuff. A guy can only dream.

Matey is a little boy with a big heart. He likes spending time with his friends, but he especially enjoys being with Sprinkle. He's always ready to make his friends happy, no matter what it takes.

Petal is a friendly girl who can be a bit impatient at times. Her love of potatoes is stronger than gardening, much to the dismay of her sister, Blossom.

Sherri is the shyest Little around. Although she doesn't say much, her soft voice reveals wisdom beyond her years.

Clone Sprinkle
Clone Sprinkle may look like Sprinkle, but she's very jealous of her twin. She's a clever girl who likes hatching plots against the Littles. (even if they don't always work out)