
A collage of
all the videos we
uploaded in 2017
(minus Twin Tales)

This website was
redesigned to
something a bit
more familiar in
October 2017
A collage of
all the videos we
uploaded in 2018
For Christmas 2016, we got a new video camera and in 2017, we began making videos with it. And the best part? This camera was in HD! For the first time in forever, we could now make videos in full, wonderful HD.
In 2017, we introduced new gaming series, like Kenneth Plays Movie Star Planet and Girly Gaming. New characters like Roberta Senpai, Princess Amber and Shirley were introduced and we reviewed our first non-product, Gertie the Dinosaur. We also traveled to Washington DC and reached a magical goal of 400 subscribers! 2017 was a year of many firsts and has been one of our best years.
2018 started out with a milestone on the 24th of January. The channel hit 450 subscribers! This was the first year since 2012 that we didn't change out profile picture (which changed yearly). We began reviewing Nanalan' and the Bride's Hotel trilogy ended after six years, but those were was the only major change during the first half of the year. On July 6th, we hit the amazing goal of 500 subscribers! For that year's Spooktober, we reviewed old short films and did spooky videos for the entire month. For Christmas Countdown, we made 4 seemingly separate videos with a connected story. Overall, the year was amazingly funny with not much change, but it turned out to be better than the last.

Our profile pic starting in 2017 (and sixth overall)