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Robert is born
On February 22nd at 6:30 in the morning, Robert was born in a little five-room house on Monroe Street in Alton (1421). He was eight and a half pounds, making him an average-sized baby. But his average size wouldn't last for long...

The Wadlow trio moves to West Virginia
That summer, the small family moved to Charleston. A new explosive plant was bring built in nearby Nitro and, although Harold didn't really want to go, his job demanded it, so he went in June. Addie and little Robert followed him in July, but the whole family traveled back to Illinois when an epidemic hit in October. They moved to Grafton, a small town two miles away from a farm belonging to Harold's parents.

The Wadlow trio lives on the farm
Sometime in the spring, Harold's parents went on a vacation to Colorado, leaving the trio to take care of the farm. When Harold hitched the horses to the spring wagon for a Grafton visit, little Robert would excitedly toddle down the incline. He'd patiently wait in the wagon while his dad conducted business in town. The Wadlows lived on the farm until Sherman and Nettie returned in the fall.

The Wadlows visit Alton

In early November, Harold and Addie took Robert to visit relatives in Alton. This was his first time visiting... and it wouldn't be his last!

Robert gets hernia surgery
During November of that year, Harold and Addie learned that Robert had a double hernia (ouch!). Robert's doctor, Dr. Davis, insisted on surgery, so the Wadlow parents reluctantly agreed to it. The surgery took three anxious hours. After seventeen days of recovery, Robert went home as happy as could be.

Robert visits Alton

In late January, Robert and Harold returned to Alton to visit relatives.


Helen is born
Helen was born on February 6th in Grafton.


Helen is born
Just a few days after Helen's birth, the Wadlows came down with the flu! It's unknown if Robert was afflicted, but they were better by the 18th.

The Wadlows move to Roxana
In April, Harold was employed by the Standard Oil Company (and later by Shell). The family moved to Roxana, a village near the oil refinery. The Wadlows resided in Roxana for six years.

The bus incident
While Robert and Harold boarded a bus, the driver guessed that Robert was 8 years old, meaning he would have to pay a fare. Harold said Robert was a little over 3 years old, so the driver bet 10 dollars. After some convincing, the driver dropped the bet and let Robert on for free. Robert and Harold met the driver a few years later and he apologized for his mistake.

The train incident
When Robert and his family boarded a train shortly after, the conductor said that Robert needed a ticket. Harold said that Robert was only 3, but the conductor said he could pay a half fare or get off the train. Harold paid the half fare.

Eugene is born
Eugene was born on April 26th in Roxana.

Robert starts kindergarten
Clad in a suit made for a 17 year old, Robert squeezed his parents' hands as he went to school for the very first time. He loved learning and spending time with his teachers and classmates. He especially enjoyed the lunch hour, when Addie would take him to the grocery store or the park.

Betty is born
Betty was born on April 27th in Roxana.


The Wadlows' visit

Exactly a month after Betty was born, the Wadlows visited Alton. Harold's sister, Lora Perry, her husband and daughter, Iris, joined the Wadlows.

Robert takes an IQ test
At the beginning of his first grade year, Robert took an IQ test and his score was so amazing that the principal visited him at his house. His score was 124!

Betty enters a baby contest
During the summer, Betty competed in a contest for the cutest baby and won second place. Nice job, Betty!


The Wadlows have guests

This year was quiet for the Wadlows... but not for the extended family! Harold's brother, Cecil, and their sister, Lora, stopped by in July. Harold's parents, Sherman and Nettie, visited for Christmas and New Year's Eve.

The Wadlows move west
During the spring of that year, Addie's health had a breakdown, so the family moved to Colorado and Wyoming. The climate change greatly improved Addie's health, so they moved back to Alton.

Robert attends Milton School
Robert began his first year at Milton and made a B-. Not too bad!

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