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Addie was a very affectionate mother. Gentle and soft spoken, she preferred to observe and live a quiet life. She was very protective of Robert and treasured her memories with him after his death.
Born: November 3rd, 1897
Died: December 25th, 1980 (age 83)
Hair color: Dark (possibly brown)
Eye color: Gray
Middle name: May
Family: Luther (father), Lillie (mother), Jesse, Clifford (brothers), Ethel, Effie, Elva, Floy (sisters)
1897- Addie is born in Rosedale, Illinois
1917- Addie and Harold marry on June 2nd
1918- The couple's first son, Robert, is born in Alton
1918- Addie and Robert move to Charleston, West Virginia shortly after Harold (they leave three months later due to the flu epidemic)
1920- Addie's first daughter, Helen, is born in Grafton
1922- Addie's second son, Eugene, is born in Roxana
1924- Addie's last daughter, Betty, is born in Roxana
1926- Addie suffers from hay fever, prompting a move out west for the summer before returning to Alton after eight years
1931- Addie goes to Atlanta, Georgia with the rest of the family in July
1932- Addie's last son, Harold Jr, is born in Alton
1934- Addie helps the siblings make lemonade for their stand
1936- Addie is visited by Dr. Humberd, who insults her
1937- Addie visits Robert and Harold in New York along with Harold Jr.
1937- Addie and Harold file a suit against Dr. Humberd after reading his article
1937- Addie moves to a house on Sanford Avenue with the family
1939- Addie testifies in St Joseph's court for two days, saying that Robert 'causes me less trouble than any of my five children.'
1940- Addie rushes to Manistee, Michigan to be with a very ill Robert
1940- Addie is devastated when Robert passes away, burning many of his possessions so they wouldn't be exhibited
1942- Addie and Harold lease a house on Washington and Crawford Avenues in June
1945- Addie helps Harold get elected mayor of Alton
1953- Addie calls Harold Jr., who is stationed in Korea
1962- Addie reluctantly talks to People Magazine with Harold for an article about Robert
1965-69- Addie cares for Harold, who is in poor health
1970s- Addie begins to open up about Robert, calling him a 'good boy'
1980- Addie passes away in her home on December 25th

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