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 Betty was the youngest Wadlow daughter. A mild-mannered little sister, she enjoyed spending time with Robert and helping others. She loved to be creative, whether it be playing piano, performing in church, designing costumes or writing jokes. Later in life, she became interested in nursing.



Born: April 27th, 1924

Died: May 11th, 1980 (age 56)

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Blue

Middle name: Jean

Family: Robert (husband), Robert, John, Kenneth, Tom (sons)


1924- Betty is born in Roxana
1925- Betty wins second place in a baby contest

1926- Betty moves to Alton after living out west with her family
1932- Betty is shown playing piano with Robert
1934- Betty does a reading of The Days of Long Ago with Evelyn Simmons at a Main Street Methodist Church recital
1935- Betty plays Martha in The Gift at the Alton Recreation Department's 8th annual Drama Festival
1936- Betty does a reading with Geneve McCoy at the MSMC Brotherhood Banquet
1938- Betty submits a joke for The Weekly Whizzer's contest

An earthquake had scared the inhabitants of a small town. One couple sent their young son to stay with his uncle in another district, explaining the reason for the boy's visit. A few days later the parents received a telegram, saying, "Am returning your boy. Send the earthquake."

1938- Betty wins the prize for most original dress at a Halloween party held by MSMC's Epworth League
1939- Betty takes part in a high school commencement program as an East Junior High graduate

1940- Betty attends a Junior Classical Society meeting with her Latin class
1940- Betty dances in Carolina, a play put on by the Rainbow Girls at the Franklin Masonic Temple
1941- Betty is a Rainbow Girls choir member
1942- Betty is a bridesmaid at Helen's wedding
1942- Betty graduates from Alton High School
1944- Betty receives a nurses' aid diploma at St. Joseph's Hospital
1944- Betty starts a cadet nurse class at SJH
1944- Betty receives her nurse's cap that summer
1946- Betty graduates from the Nurse Corps

1948- Betty wins a prize at Mary Zeller's bridal shower
1949- Betty flies to Los Angeles and San Fransisco for Boatman's Bank alongside two other employees
(one named Betty!)
1951- Betty is a courier for Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem
1951- Betty is an instructor for a junior first aid course for 7th grade Girl Scouts at the YWCA, which will last for 10 weeks

1952- Betty gives the Scouts a surprise party to end the course.... and they surprise her with a gift of appreciation!
1952- Betty marries Robert Brda on March 28th in Piggot, Arkansas (which is made known in the paper two months later)
1952- Betty and Robert move to 4143 California Avenue in St. Louis
1954- Betty and Robert are living at 3526a California Street

1954- Betty's first son, Robert Wadlow, is born on August 15th
1957- Betty's second son, John Alan, is born on April 24th
1960- Betty's third son, Kenneth Allen, is born on March 8th (and passes away that same day)
1967- Betty's fourth son, Thomas C, is born on September 2nd
1980- Betty passes away of unknown causes


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