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Robert visits Barnes Hospital
On January 25th, Robert and Harold went to Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, where Dr. Louis Behrens and his assistant Dr. David Barr examined Robert. Robert was very sulky and uncooperative during the exam, but Dr. Behrens cheered Robert up by giving him his pen-flashlight, which Robert was interested in. After the exam, Robert finally found out why he was growing so fast: he had gigantism.

Read about gigantism here
Robert meets 'the Ambling Alp'
In mid-February, Robert went to Lennox Hotel in St. Louis to meet Primo Carnera, an Italian boxer known as the Ambling Alp. Robert was seven feet tall, five inches taller than six foot seven Primo, but they had the same hand size and reach length. After taking a few photos and sitting on a divan to compare sizes, Primo left the room, causing Robert to admit, "I wasn't about to let him take a punch at me." Robert didn't want to watch Primo fight, but he enjoyed meeting him.

Robert gets interviewed
The day before his twelfth birthday, a Telegraph reporter stopped by to interview Robert. He wasn't home, however, so Addie was interviewed instead. Robert arrived home through the back door a while later and said he had stopped to play marbles. He was quiet during the interview, preferring to read a magazine on the table, but he shyly answered a few questions.


Robert films and (almost) scoots

Five days after his birthday, Robert was in his seventh newsreel, this one being filmed by Pathè. He was pulled out of school at ten in the morning by Harold. When Robert stepped out onto the porch of his home with Addie, a couple boys asked if he wanted to play. He started to take a ride on their scooter, but gave it back for fear of breaking it.


Robert films yet again

On May 9th, Robert was in another newsreel. This time, he played basketball with boys at school and hoped to get a plane like Lindy... if he could get a plane big enough! Although he seemed frustrated at having to say lines over and over, he sounded more confident than the newsreel from 1928.

Robert films for Peter's
In June of that year, Peter's Shoe Company hired Robert to do advertising for them in return for free shoes. Robert starred in a 'day in the life' newsreel. Robert made special appearances at movie theaters that showed the film.

Robert joins the Scouts
Robert joined the Boy Scouts in March of that year after a Tenderfoot test at church. He was part of the troop for about a year and thoroughly enjoyed taking part in activities like hiking and leapfrog. During campouts, he slept in two wall tents and two cots were wired together for a sleeping bag.

Robert quits the magazine business
Since 1929, Robert had sold magazines, going door to door with old issues. But his days of magazine selling ended when the local bank failed and shut down. Robert lost his earnings, but the bank returned a portion of it. Despite this, Robert decided to give up the magazine business, preferring to read them instead.

Robert goes to Atlanta
In July, the Wadlows took a vacation to Atlanta, Georgia. As soon as they arrived, newsreel men filmed footage of Robert with the local Boy Scout troop. It took two days for Robert's uniform to be shipped from Alton and a newsreel of Robert with the troop was shot (which you can find on the 'Videos' page!). A few days later, Robert met Stribling, a prize-fighter who let Robert fly in an airplane with him. Later in the day, Robert went to the State Capitol, where he was named an honorary page of the senate. The day was topped off with a swimming party at a private school. Despite meeting so many prominent people, Robert's favorite part of the day was the great water in the swimming pool.

Robert goes to the hospital
In October of that year, Robert returned to Barnes Hospital for a serious issue. He had bruised his left leg while in the pool and an infection had set in. During his six-week stay, Robert received letters from Italy and South America. Although he couldn't read them, Robert wrote back in-between reading books and magazines.

Robert gets his braces
In June, Robert's left foot fell into a depression in the street while pushing Eugene on a tricycle. His foot never fully recovered and he had to wear iron braces on his lower legs and ankle for the rest of his life.

Robert's reunion
Sometime during the summer, Robert and his family went to the Johnson family farm in Rosedale. The siblings played with their cousins and reunited with an assortment of aunts and uncles.

Harold Jr. is born
One of Robert's most treasured memories came in August when his baby brother, Harold Jr., was born on the 12th.

Robert starts high school
In September, Robert dressed up in a new suit & tie and headed off to Alton High School for the first time. Although he was in East Junior High for his freshman year, his photo still appeared in the AHS 1931 yearbook. His picture wasn't in the '32 yearbook, however, which is just what Robert liked.

Robert goes to Lancaster School of Expression
Robert went to another school starting in November: Lancaster School of Expression. He went to the school to work on his public speaking skills and, according to Mrs. Lancaster, absolutely excelled at it!

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