Want to see things owned by Robert or what he gave to others? What about items featuring him? How about his shoes?
Check out these neat artifacts!

A painting owned by Addie

March 4, 1940
Dear Mr. + Mrs. Cline
I just want to thank you for remembering me on my birthday. I really appreciated it very much. A gift like that never fails to come in handy, anywhere. Thanks ever so much.
We have been having a swell trip. Greatly enjoyed Florida. It’s a paradise for people who like sun and warmth and I’m one who does.
I hope to see you when I get back home again.
Sincerely, Robert Wadlow

To Robert Pershing Wadlow
his 21st Birthday
Feb- 22-1939
from Mr. & Mrs. M. E Newell -
We wish for you many happy returns of the Day.
Also wish for you the same. Keen enjoyment that I've found in reading this truly wholesome story that the following pages contain.
Your friends, M. E Newell and
Frances Newell

Robert's guitar and its case at the Alton Museum of History and Art

The Human Being
On 27 of June of 1940, Robert Wadlow was proclaimed the tallest man in the world when his height of 2.72 m was confirmed. Wadlow died on 15 of July of 1940, at the age of 22, as a result of a serious foot infection. At (continues on back)
the time of his death, he weighed 199 kilos, his feet measured 47 cm, in length and the palms of his hands, 32.

Robert's 1940
chair at the
Franklin Masonic
Temple in Alton
Welcome to Wadlow's Shoes, the best place on the web to see shoes owned by Wadlow himself! 👟
The IRL Wadlow's Shoes was operated by Harold from January 1941 to mid-1944. The logo below comes from the 1942 Alton High School Tatler yearbook (and was re-used for the '43 edition)