Interested in reading more about Robert?
Here are more resources:
The Gentleman Giant by Frederic Fadner and Harold Wadlow (1944)

Boy Giant by Dan Brannan (2003)

Robert Wadlow: The Unique Life of the Boy Who Became the World's Tallest Man by Jennifer Phillips (2010)

Robert Wadlow: The Unique Life of the Boy Who Became the World's Tallest Man by Jennifer Phillips (2019) (revised edition)

Wadlow La Courte Destinée de L'homme Le Plus Grand du Monde by Christophe Bec and Nicolas Sure (2011)

Seymour Bluffs and Robert Wadlow: A Story About Diversity and Tolerance by Phylis Bechtold and Royce Vaughn (2007)

(Wayback Machine capture from September 2nd, 2018)
(Wayback Machine capture from February 11th, 2023)
(after getting an account, go to the homepage, scroll down to the red map, click on any state and search his name. after clicking on an article, replace 'image' in the url with 'newspage'. if there isn't a clipping, you'll find his name in the ocr text... along with typos galore!)
Digital Archives
Illinois Digital Archives (IDA)
University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL)
California Digital Newspapers (UCR)
University of Wisconsin-Madison (UWDC)
University of the Pacific (UOP)
Cambridge Public Library (CPL)
South Carolina Digital Library (SCDL)
Missouri Historical Society (MHS)
Central Michigan University (CMU)
Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers (CO/WY)
Hoosier State Chronicles (HSC)
Retro News (BnF) 🇫🇷